Advance Your Family Business
The Family Business Leadership Program is a family-business focused “mini-MBA” designed to meet the needs of professionals working in a family business. This flexible program allows you to work at your own pace and according to your own schedule, gaining knowledge and skills from expert faculty at the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business.
The Family Business Leadership Program has three components:
- Leadership Experience
- Business Acumen
- Family Business

Program Menu
Leadership Experience
40 hours required
Accelerated Leadership Experience
40 hours
Designed for those currently transitioning into a management role or those already managing, Accelerated Leadership Experience is a five-day equivalent program offered in fall and spring.
Denver Leadership Experience
40 hours
Designed for experienced professionals who are currently leading a team, an enterprise, or a global initiative, or who are leading major projects in a company or organization, Denver Leadership Experience is a five-day program offered in fall and spring.
Public Safety Leadership Development
40 hours
Designed for public safety emerging leaders in our local communities with an emphasis placed on developing leaders and understanding team dynamics, Public Safety Leadership Development is a five-day, grant-eligible program offered in fall, winter and spring.
Custom Leadership Program
40 hours
Executive Education partners with dozens of organizations a year to create and deliver Custom Leadership Programs for their executives and emerging leaders. Offered throughout the year.
Business Acumen
20 hours required
Corporate Debt
20 hours
This course outlines successful strategies for borrowing money and managing debt as an organization. An interest list is currently forming for the next Corporate Debt workshop.
Dashboard in a Day Using Power BI
10 hours
This one-day, hands-on, online workshop will cover the core capabilities of Power BI. Power BI is a free interactive data visualization application developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence that gives a single view of your data, that allows you to monitor and report on organizational data in real time. Dashboard in a Day Using Power BI is offered once a year in spring.
Data Analytics for Decision Making
20 hours
This three-day workshop focuses on the fundamentals of data analysis and its application to business. An interest list is currently forming for the next Data Analytics for Decision Making workshop.
Data Visualization Using Power BI
20 hours
This three-day workshop is a deep dive into the world of data and data visualization. Data Visualization Using Power BI is offered twice a year in fall and spring.
Digital Marketing Using Data Analytics
20 hours
This course explores how organizations optimize digital marketing tools to drive results. An interest list is currently forming for the next Digital Marketing Using Data Analytics workshop.
Finance for Non-Financial Managers
20 hours
This three-day workshop introduces you to the essential accounting and finance skills any business professional needs to know. Finance for Non-Financial Managers is offered twice a year in the fall and spring.
Sales Skills for High Impact
20 hours
In this three-day course, new to mid-level sales professionals learn how to leverage the powerful skills of top performers while improving their interactions with customers. Sales Skills for High Impact is offered once a year in the spring.
Strategic Advantage Using Data Analytics
20 hours
This three-day workshop focuses on how to build and implement a data strategy to improve organizational performance. An interest list is currently forming for the next Strategic Advantage Using Data Analytics workshop.
Strategic Finance
20 hours
This three-day, multidimensional workshop that uses real simulations and an acquisition case study to map the connections between business strategy, finance and enterprise value creation. An interest list is currently forming for the next Strategic Finance wroskhop.
Family Business
20 hours required
Family Business Essentials Workshop
20 hours
This workshop will provide systemic baseline knowledge of how family, ownership, management, governance, and wealth collectively influence family business strategy, leadership, and decision making. Facilitated by experts in their respective fields, the workshop includes interactive modules, strategies, and networking opportunities designed to advance family business.
The Family Business Essentials Workshop is offered once a year in the spring.
Sample Journey
Workshops can be taken in any order with any frequency. The example below would take 12 months, but the program can be completed in as few as 6 months or as many as five years.
More Details
Program begins at any time. See details below.
Earners of this micro-credential may also apply their leadership program towards the High Performance Leadership Program micro-credential.
Program Structure
Workshops can be taken in any order with any frequency. Programs and workshops generally occur twice a year, but schedules are subject to change. Reference the Executive Education Workshops page and the Bailey Program for Family Enterprise page for more details.
The Family Business Leadership Program must be completed within five years.
There are no pre-requisites or application required to participate.
The Family Business Leadership Program micro-credential, backed by the University of Denver’s more than 150 years of excellence, demonstrates competency in leadership, business acumen, and family business. Upon completion, participants receive a digital badge, a clickable image that houses information validating these skills and that can be shared on social media, digital resumes and e-portfolios to increase marketability. Find more information about the University of Denver’s digital badging program here.
Who Should Participate
This flexible program is designed for professionals who wish to advance their family business and take their leadership and business acumen skills to new levels. Whether you are wanting to stay relevant in today’s business world or looking to improve your technical skills, Family Business Leadership has an educational journey for you.
Participants in the Family Business Leadership Program do not need to be enrolled at the University of Denver.
Tuition & Cost
Program cost is determined by which workshops are included and whether the participant chooses to take programs for credit or not-for-credit.
- The not-for-credit cost ranges between $7,922 and $8,772 and includes a 15 percent discount on programs and workshops. This is the most popular option as most participants are not seeking graduate-level credit for programs.
- Taking courses for-credit allows for transfer into select graduate programs that have electives. For more information on DU’s current tuition rates, check the Registrar’s website.
Should I Take Courses For Credit Or Non-Credit?
This option is for participants who are not interested in receiving graduate level credit and are participating for professional development and to update their skills, knowledge and abilities. Upon request, Executive Education is pleased to provide a Certificate of Completion for professional development credit for any Executive Education workshop completed.
Credit – Graduate-Level Academic Credit
This option is for those interested in receiving graduate credits for their participation. In order to apply, you need to have completed your undergraduate degree and provide us with an unofficial transcript of that degree. These credits and your course grade will be on your official transcript. Please be aware that participants must complete a mandatory assignment (one per workshop) and once the workshop begins you are no longer able to switch your status from for-credit to non-credit.
*If you are a DU Employee wanting to use your tuition waiver, you will receive further instructions from Executive Education approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of your course.
**If you are in a Master’s degree program at DU, and want to take this class for elective credit, please contact us before you register for the class. Your academic advisor will need to be involved in the registration process and it will require prior approval.
If you are not sure which option to choose, please contact Camila for advising at
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your registration for any workshop, you may transfer your enrollment to a future session, send someone to take your place, or cancel without penalty at any time up to one week (7 days) prior to the start of the first class. If you provide us with less than one week’s notice, or fail to attend, you will be liable for the entire workshop fee.