Executive Education


The Accelerate Webinar Series, powered by Daniels Executive Education, is designed to accelerate your capacity to deliver positive results. Webinars are 30 minutes or less, are free and open to all, and occur monthly August through June.

Launched in 2020, the series focuses on topics including emotional intelligence, the brain’s reaction to stress, being a virtual team, artificial intelligence, coaching/feedback, team resilience and more. Recordings can be found below. We hope these discussions provide you with quick-hitting and immediately applicable business, leadership and technical tips. For Family Enterprise topics, browse Bailey Program for Family Enterprise webinars.

Webinar attendance is free, but registration is required.

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Listen to Accelerate on the go! Webinars are released as audio podcast episodes the summer after their release.

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We’ve completed our last webinar of the academic year. New episodes will be launched in the fall!


Category: communication

How to Create a Meaningful Hybrid Experience, with Bo Storozuk

November 18, 2021
The traditional business meeting needed a reinvention well before the pandemic, and virtual fatigue is everywhere you look. How does a group of professionals assemble, effectively, when some people are remote and some are physically present? Executive Education Faculty Bo Storozuk reports what successful organizations are doing: they are creating an experience, not a meeting.

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Coaching for Engagement, Growth, and Development, with Kellie Jenkins

September 16, 2021
Coaching is an effective modality for both motivating employees and empowering your team to take ownership of their own growth and development. Learn three simple strategies from Executive Education Faculty and executive coach Kellie Jenkins to help level-up your coaching game.

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Communicating in a New Era of Organizational Life, with Amanda Cahal

August 26, 2021
As we emerge from a year unlike any we’ve ever experienced, we have a unique opportunity to decide how we want to work, live, and communicate. Daniels Executive Education Faculty and communication expert Amanda Cahal shares insights that will help you, your team, and your organization succeed.

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Insights for Teams and Organizations, with Amanda Cahal and David Worley

August 6, 2020
If you are familiar with Daniels or Executive Education, you probably know about Insights. It’s a powerful communication and self-awareness tool. A common question after leaving the debrief is always “what’s next?”. We have the answer! This webinar will talk about effectively utilizing Insights for teams and organizations

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Providing Excellent Coaching and Feedback, with Ali Boyd

May 7, 2020
It can be one of the toughest parts of the working world—giving feedback. Join us to learn just how important it is to give not just any type of feedback, but excellent feedback and coaching.

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Communicating with Emotional Intelligence in a Remote World, with Amanda Cahal

April 8, 2020
Communication and emotional intelligence are two of the most important and misunderstood components of the workplace, especially when it comes to virtual and remote work. Watch our webinar to improve both!

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Category: leadership

Free Yourself from Three Common Thinking Traps, with Karen Collins

March 9, 2023
How you talk to yourself plays a large role in how you interact and communicate with others. If you’re like most people (80% to be exact!), your inner self-talk is filled with negative, harmful thoughts. Executive Education faculty and executive coach Karen Collins helps you learn how to let go of this disruptive thought pattern.

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The New Context for Leaders as We Emerge from COVID, with Scott McLagan

April 28, 2022
VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous – has defined the last two years of our lives as working professionals in the COVID era. Leadership scholar Scott McLagan explains how we can adapt to this new context, including his recommendations for how individuals, teams and organizations can navigate hybrid workplaces successfully.

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Top Trends in Leadership and Development Training, with David Worley

January 27, 2022
Across industries, the pandemic has accelerated change. David Worley, former leader of Executive Education at the Daniels College of Business, explains the trends he’s witnessed in the leadership and learning/development world. Learn how both organizations and individuals can benefit from these trends.

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How Celebrating Failure Yields Success, with Brandon Daruna

October 28, 2021
We may have been taught to hide mistakes, but organizations that embrace failure are some of the most successful organizations around. Brandon Daruna, a 20-year EMS veteran and member of the Executive Education Faculty, explains the benefits of failure and how successful organizations create a culture that shares and celebrates mistakes.

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Leadership Strategies for Dealing with Uncertainty, with Scott McLagan

June 3, 2021
The more uncertain the world is, the harder it is to predict. Gain insight from Executive Education Faculty and leadership expert Scott McLagan on how our brains react to uncertainty and how to cope, as leaders, in ever-changing situations.

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DEI: How to Go Beyond Checking the Box, with Victor Dzirasa

May 13, 2021
Victor Dzirasa explores why we need to dive deeper and examine organizational processes for DEI in this 30-minute webinar.

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Lessons on Leadership from Emergency Situations, with Brandon Daruna

March 25, 2021
Brandon Daruna, Chief of the Gilpin Ambulance Authority and a 20-year EMS veteran, discusses leadership lessons from front-line responders in this 30-minute webinar.

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Leading in a VUCA World, with Ali Boyd

February 11, 2021
What is VUCA and what does it mean for us? How can you grow your leadership to meet the need? What is leader’s job in a VUCA world? Join professor and coaching expert Ali Boyd to learn about how to lead in a VUCA environment.

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How Your Brain Reacts Under Stress, with Scott McLagan

April 16, 2020
The brain is a complex organ, and in times of stress it can behave in ways we don’t fully understand. Join faculty expert Scott McLagan as we discuss how to lead under stress and how the brain works in trying times.

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Category: Team building

Team Resilience, with Bo Storozuk

April 8, 2020
How do you connect and ground your team (the individuals and the team as a whole), then make the shift to opportunity and innovation for the team based on their skills and strengths? And more than that, how do you know what skills to harness and develop for the future? This idea-filled session features adjunct faculty member, Jacobs L&D professional, and Daniels alum Bo Storozuk.

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How to Be a Virtual Team, with Kerry Plemmons

April 23, 2020
In the time of virtual teamwork and social distancing, how do we collaborate? How do we build team engagement? What still applies and what doesn’t work? Join faculty expert Kerry Plemmons as we dive into team dynamics in the work-from-home world.

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Category: Technical Skills

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Sales Lessons Learned from the Movies, with Michele Cunningham and Dan Zuch

November 11, 2022
Hollywood has much to share if you’re looking for good and not-so-good sales tactics. In this 30 minute webinar, Executive Education Faculty Michele Cunningham and Dan Zuch provide an insightful and entertaining overview of some of the best sales scenes they’ve seen with a goal of helping you improve your own sales skills. Bring your popcorn and enjoy!

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So You've Got Data, Now What? with Phil Beaver

September 8, 2022
Executive Education faculty and data analytics expert Phil Beaver has consulted with more than 600 companies, and he’s seen a common theme: organizations have data, organizations have questions, and organizations want to use the data they collect to solve these questions. But few know where to begin. In this 30-minute webinar, Phil serves as your expert data analyst, guiding you through the process of articulating a data-driven business question and how to solve it.

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Data Visualization: Make an Impact Without Sophisticated Algorithms, with Amy Phillips

June 2, 2022
As business professionals, we all have mountains of data. Instead of sifting through spreadsheets trying to find the “needle in the haystack”, we should utilize today’s powerful visualization software to tease out patterns, help answer questions, and provide guidance for decision-making. In this 30-minute webinar, Executive Education Faculty and data guru Amy Phillips explains how to create this kind of impact for your organization. No coding required!

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Demystifying Digital Marketing to Drive Results, with Michael Myers and Jed Summerton

March 10, 2022
Organizations are increasingly using sophisticated digital marketing techniques. By understanding how these methods work, organizations can make the most of their marketing spend and improve business outcomes. Faculty Michael Myers and Jed Summerton peel back the curtain on digital marketing to help you optimize your marketing efforts.

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Powering Your Business Strategy with Data Analytics, with Jed Summerton

October 7, 2021
Learn how you can improve your business performance by creating a powerful data analytics strategy. Executive Education Faculty Jed Summerton presents how to align program, people, process, platform, and data analytics to harness your business’ full potential.

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What Everyone Needs to Know About Their Organization's Finances, with Keely Gohl and Dessa Bokides

March 4, 2021
Adjunct professors Keely Gohl and Dessa Bokides discuss the most relevant information we need to know about the finances of our organizations.

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Voice Search for You and Your Organization, with Michael Myers

July 23, 2020
Why should voice search matter to you and your organization? Spoiler alert: It will fundamentally change all content on the internet! How you write blogs, how you organize each webpage, and how you change your written tone and language are all impacted by Alexa, Siri and wearable devices. This webinar features Daniels marketing faculty Michael Myers.

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Demystifying Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin, with Joshua Ross

Jun 18, 2020
We keep hearing about these trends that are going to change everything—blockchain, cryptocurrency, and bitcoin—but what do they really do and what does that actually mean? This session is an introduction and overview of these technologies, with a Q&A at the end. Featuring Daniels faculty, new director of entrepreneurship, and Daniels alum Joshua Ross. Joshua has also started and led several tech companies throughout his career.

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The Importance of Data Visualization, with Amy Phillips

May 28, 2020
Why is data visualization important? We explore this vital skill, share some resources, and discuss how the COVID crisis has provided us with relevant and impactful examples of data visualization. Watch this 30-minute session, facilitated by Business Analytics Teaching Professor Amy Phillips, to learn how data visualization can be a powerful asset to you and your organization.

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Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Workplace, with Michael Myers

April 30, 2020
Learn how AI is changing the workplace with digital expert and faculty member Michael Myers. The landscape and possibilities of artificial intelligence are quite exciting, and also quite scary. Myers will help you start to navigate and understand this quick-changing world of AI.

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Category: Strategy

Joe Hernandez

Roles, Responsibilities & Boundaries, with Joshua Nacht, PhD

April 5, 2023
Whether family members have been working together for a number of years or a number of generations, having a common and formalized understanding of their working relationship is a key component of their success. Family Business Consultant Joshua Nacht joins us to explain what kind of agreements your family needs, why you need them and how you might go about creating them in this Accelerate Webinar from Daniels Executive Education and the Bailey Program for Family Enterprise.

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Joe Hernandez

Tips for Building Resilience into Supply Chains, with Jenny Dobmeier

January 25, 2023
The uncertainty of the last two years has exposed significant vulnerabilities in how organizations manage their supply chains. Although we can’t predict the next natural disaster or global pandemic, Executive Education faculty Jenny Dobmeier shares six steps leaders can take to mitigate risk and build resiliency into our supply chains.

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Joe Hernandez

What Everyone Needs to Know About Negotiation, with Joe Hernandez

April 22, 2021
Negotiation expert, award-winning speaker, and Daniels Executive Education Faculty Member Joe Hernandez shares key points we all need to know about negotiation.

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Strategically Refocusing Your Organization Post-COVID, with Luis Demetrio Gomez

November 12, 2020
In this session, Luis Demetrio Gomez explores the framework for how to accomplish what your organization needs. The basic steps are to gather data, prioritize the “right things to do,” find gaps, then allocate time and money. Luis effectively offers a handbook for rebooting your organization.

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Agile Organizations: Pivoting in a Changing Market, with Dave O’Callaghan

August 27, 2020
As an organization, it can be tricky to be agile and innovative and go to market quickly. How can mature or large organizations become more innovative and agile and keep up with the market demands? Hear from a venture expert!

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Leading the Changing Organization, with Franco Marini

August 13, 2020
It’s clear to everyone that times are changing dramatically and the leadership styles that have prevailed in the past must be analyzed and restructured anew. It’s essential that a leader be able to operate successfully in a shifting landscape. Faculty Franco Marini introduces strategies that are designed to support your development.

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