daniels directory


RAH Program Manager
Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management
Joy Burns Center 227
Senior Vice President of People at Aurora Organic Dairy; Adjunct Faculty
Executive MBA
Daniels 335
Director, Bailey Program for Family Enterprise
Executive Education
Google (Ireland)
Management Department Advisory Board
Senior Partner, Arisant LLC
Business Information & Analytics Advisory Board
Adjunct Faculty
Executive MBA
Joy Burns Center
Chair, Department of Business Information and Analytics; Associate Professor
Department of Business Information and Analytics
Daniels 590
Executive Vice President of Digital Banking, FirstBank
Executive Advisory Board
Director, Peabody Natural Gas, LLC
Executives in Residence
Master of Science in Accounting, Technology and Analytics
Graduate Student Ambassador
Former Chief Brand and Impact Officer, Delta Dental of Colorado; Executive ...
Executive Advisory Board
Teaching Associate Professor
Reiman School of Finance
Daniels 315A
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Daniels 471
Member, Marketing Advisory Board
Marketing Advisory Board
Centura Health
Management Department Advisory Board
Founder and CEO, AlpineX
Executive Advisory Board
Program Director, Denver MBA
Denver MBA (Full Time)
Daniels 335E
CMO, Chief Outsiders
Marketing Advisory Board
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Marketing
Daniels 480
The Denver MBA
Graduate Student Ambassador
Chair, Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies; Associate Professor
Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies
Daniels 685
Adjunct Faculty
Executive MBA
Daniels 335
Founder & CEO, CityCraft® Ventures, LLC
Executives in Residence
The Denver MBA
Graduate Student Ambassador
Adjunct Faculty
Denver MBA (Full Time)
Colorado Market President, Wintrust Commercial Real Estate
Burns School Advisory Board
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies
Director of Truth in Accounting
School of Accountancy
Daniels 356
Executive Director of Career Services
Daniels Career Services
Daniels 495
Industry Faculty
Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Information and Analytics
Daniels 315D
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Daniels 482