Bailey Program for Family Enterprise


Join a Local Family Business Community

Become a member to build transformational skills and connections that help your business and family thrive across generations! We know well the gifts and challenges that come with working with loved ones and preserving a legacy.

We empower each other with leading edge learning and resources to proactively avoid common pitfalls that can hurt personally, financially and legally.

Become a member and attend quarterly Roundtables, multi-day workshops, peer forums, annual dinners and family business site tours to excel in these areas of best practice: family harmony, governance, leadership and continuity planning, investmentmanagement, estate planning and social impact.

Who Can Join?

• Family-owned businesses in operation, family offices, and their advisors.
• For all industries and sizes of companies, across all generations.
• We maintain a 70/30 membership ratio of family members to advisors.

Prior affiliation with the University of Denver is not necessary to apply.

Member Benefits

When you become a member of the Bailey Program for Family Enterprise, you, your family and your employees can access these benefits:

  • Free access to Roundtable events featuring local family enterprise heroes, experts in the field, and meaningful conversations on topics that matter to you. Each event valued at $35 per person. (Four attendees for family enterprises, two for advisors)
  • Free access to the annual Dinner and Spotlight event. Valued at $85 per person. (Four attendees for family enterprises, two for advisors)
  • Family Business Site Tours (for family enterprise members only)
  • Discounted rate for workshop registration
  • Storefront double-sided vinyl sticker and digital graphic “Thank you for Supporting Our Family Business” for family businesses.
  • eNewsletter delivered to your inbox every other month with helpful stories, trends, research and event reminders
  • Bailey Program for Family Enterprise Partner Directory, which features members and vetted regional professional service providers
  • Educational webinars
  • Access to Peer Forums for peer learning and support with a professional coach. There is an additional cost to participate.

Help us build a thriving Family Enterprise Community

There are a number of ways you can help us build a thriving Family Enterprise community:

  • Post on social media – your founding member announcement, events and articles
  • Become a donor or sponsor – reach out to Helena Karchere
  • Invite family enterprise connections to attend Roundtable events with you
  • Register for a three day or one day workshop in family business and family office topics
  • Speak on panels and webinars about your experience
  • Be interviewed for newsletters

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