Business Information & Analytics

Support Our Work

Recruit Burns School Students

Post Jobs and Internships
You can easily post your job openings in our weekly newsletter is targeted to our students and alumni. Your job will also be featured on the Daniels Career Services website, where we can track applicants and offer additional services to employers.

Company Info Sessions
We feature companies in the classrooms where they’re most relevant, in order to connect employers to students, enhance classroom content, and provide career knowledge and opportunities. Companies can sponsor food if wanted, and we handle all logistics.

Engage with Students

Meet and Greets
Companies can table in front of the student common area to meet with students organically between classes. This can be done in conjunction with a Company Info Session. You can bring swag and sponsor food if you like, and we handle all logistics.

Lunch and Learns
You can host a lunch and learn by putting together a panel of industry professionals to present topics and career opportunities. You’ll sponsor the meal, and we handle all logistics.

Burns Career Week

Each year Burns Career Week takes place in late February or early March. It’s a full week of career events including alumni panels representing the many career paths in real estate and construction and prep sessions with our partners in Daniels Career Services.

The week culminates with the Annual Burns Career EXPO. The EXPO features 20 companies that are actively actively hiring for internships and jobs. The students rotate through the tables in pairs in a speed-interviewing format. The fast-paced and vibrant energy has been welcome by both employers and students and a great way to make productive connections.

Contact Ceci Smith at the Burns School to find out how you can be part of Burns Career Week.
