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Daniels Graduate Students:
Are you up for a high-altitude challenge?

Each year the Daniels College of Business brings graduate students together for a business ethics case competition and alpine ski challenge all rolled into one.

Teams of four graduate students compete to solve a business case with an ethical dilemma before taking on a race challenge at Breckenridge Ski Resort. Total scores are calculated weighting 90% on case competition scores and 10% on the ski race.

Registration closed on Dec. 1, 2023. For more information contact bailee.gardunio@du.edu.

Presented by:


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Event Details

Event dates: Feb. 2-3, 2024


  • Case presentations—Daniels College of Business
  • Alpine Challenge—Breckenridge Ski Resort

Event timeline:

  • Registration deadline—Dec. 1, 2023
  • Case released—Jan. 12, 2024
  • Case presentations—Feb. 2, 2024
  • Alpine Challenge—Feb. 3, 2024

Competition Details

  • Teams will consist of 4 DCB graduate students.
  • Teams can include any combination of full-time and part-time students from any graduate program or cohort.
  • Students can either form their own teams or individual students can sign up to be matched with other individual competitors.
  • Case presentations will be given to a panel of DCB corporate and alumni partners.
  • Presentations must be between 15 and 20 minutes.
  • 5-10 minutes will be given at the end of each presentation for judge Q&A and feedback.
  • Final scores will be weighted 90% on the case presentation and 10% on the ski/snowboard race.

Participants Will Receive

  • A 2-night stay at Mountain Thunder Lodge in Breckenridge
  • A day pass for Breckenridge Ski Resort for Feb. 3, 2024 (Please note that Epic Pass holders won’t need a day pass to Breckenridge Ski Resort.)
  • Lunch on Feb. 2, during the case competition
  • Food and drink provided at the ski après on February 3

Case Competition Prizes

Winning teams will receive:

  • First Place: $5,000
  • Second Place: $3,000
  • Third Place: $1,000

Thank You to our Additional Sponsors

Breckenridge Ski Resort logo
Christy Sports logo

Have questions now? We have answers:

How does it work? Teams of four graduate students compete to solve a business case with an ethical dilemma before taking on a race challenge at Breckenridge Ski Resort. Total scores are calculated weighting 90% on case competition scores and 10% on the ski race.

Where is it? The case competition will be held on the University of Denver campus, and the ski race will be held at Breckenridge Ski Resort.

How much does it cost? It’s free for students to register/participate in the challenge. Ski passes will be provided to students without an Epic Pass, however, students are responsible for transportation and lodging.

Why should I do it? Create some phenomenal memories while you show off your business skills, network with alumni and business leaders, and compete for prizes.

What can I win? The winning team will receive swag and a cash price, as well as bragging rights!

Who’s on a team? This competition is open to all Daniels College of Business graduate students. You can put together your own team of four or you can sign up as an individual to be placed on a team with other free agents. Teams must have at least one man and one woman.