Executive PhD

April 8, 2024
Gordon Broadbent is studying how big companies adapt emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.
September 27, 2023
Maurice Harris used the EPhD to merge his interests and begin training a new generation of students.
March 6, 2023
Executive PhD student Kelly Watson explores ways to make training more effective.
February 6, 2023
Gifts from Daniels alumni endowed a scholarship that provides professional development funds for Daniels students.
February 24, 2021
Of all jobs lost in December 2020, 100% belonged to women. This profound job loss statistic didn’t surprise Kelly Watson, a Daniels College of Business Executive PhD student. As ...
May 6, 2020
Growing up, did you ever run into your teacher at the grocery store and realize, perhaps for the first time, that he had a life outside of school? Today, that same feeling might ar ...
February 11, 2019
Star performers represent a slim minority in most fields, and the ongoing challenge for management is to better understand how to find, cultivate and retain them, says Herman Aguin ...
April 24, 2018
Monday mornings often get a bad rap. Even for those who love their jobs, it can be tough to transition back into “work mode” after a weekend filled with fun and frivolity. But ...