Vijaya "Vi" Zinnoury, PhD

Daniels 465
Associate Professor
Department of Management

Vijaya Zinnoury

Biography at a Glance

Vijaya Zinnoury, PhD, is the recipient of the prestigious “Outstanding Contribution to the Case Method” award conferred by The Case Center, UK., in February 2019. (“Who is Writing, and Who Is Teaching, the Best MBA Cases?”)

A gold medalist from India, Vi has received several awards and nominations for her case research, teaching, reviewing and service. In 2019, she was nominated for the “SMS Teaching Impact” award, and in 2018 she received the coveted “Outstanding Case Writer” award from the Case Center, UK, and other awards. In 2017, she was nominated for USASBE’s 2017 “MWE Professor of the Year” award and received two first prizes for her cases and one service award from the Strategic Management Society. Vi has been a keynote speaker at conferences in Asia, Europe and Latin America and an invited speaker at business schools around the world.

Vi has a PhD from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Currently, she is an associate professor at the Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, where she teaches traditional and online courses in Business Policy and Strategy, Global Management, Leading High-Performance Organizations, and Global Social Entrepreneurship. She has published articles and numerous case studies in corporate governance, global strategy, and global social entrepreneurship in premier journals. She enjoys developing innovative teaching practices and has offered professional development workshops on “Developing theory from case research,” “Teaching with cases,” “Teaching online with cases,” “Writing publishable cases,” and “Case Immersion Workshops: From Practice to Theory” at the Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, and business schools in Asia, Europe and Latin America. A past president of the North American Case Research Association (NACRA), and a former chair of the Strategic Management Society’s (SMS) Teaching Community, Vi currently serves on the editorial boards of four leading refereed case journals and is the Chair of the Ethics and Corporate Governance Track of the North American Case Research Association. She served as a member of the Teaching Committee of the prestigious Academy of Management’s Strategy Division during 2020–21.



  • PhD, International Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • MBA, Andhra University, India
  • BCom, Cost Accounting, Industrial Organization, Mysore University, India

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