Deciding to pursue an MBA is a big decision. After all, you’re about to undertake a serious project. In order to graduate, you will need to invest a considerable amount of time and money into your studies. The great thing about an MBA is that you’ll receive more than some knowledge that you can get out of a book. An MBA also provides you with leadership skills and gives you access to a dynamic network of peers, faculty, and alumni.

You Have to Have Contacts

In order to succeed in the business world, you have to know people. Many job openings are never officially posted anywhere, because they are directly offered to someone in the network. And if you need to network in order to get a great job, then you might as well start meeting people. The sooner you can start talking to like-minded individuals, the sooner you’ll see results for your career.

At the University of Denver, you have the opportunity to get to know your peers intimately through your MBA program. Whether they become your best friends, your business partners or your future coworkers, the more people you network with, the better.

Take Advantage of the Experts

In high school, making friends with the teacher is frowned upon by fellow students. But in the real world, it’s a good idea to take advantage of the knowledge the experts in your field have. Many of our teachers (97 out of 122) hold a terminal degree, which is the highest academic degree in a given field of study. You can learn more about our staff here:

If you really want to advance in your chosen career, then you can rely on our faculty members to help you get there. Whether you should pursue additional certifications, take advantage of internships, or do both in order to succeed in your field is something they will be happy to discuss with you.

Tap into the Community

Our community of alumni is impressive. Our former students at the University of Denver still network and connect with each other on a regular basis. They’re also involved with our mentoring and ambassador programs which help the next group of students succeed. To learn more about our alumni community, click here:

The great thing about having access to other students is that they can give you valuable hints and pointers. They have already made their degree work for them, and they can help you do the same. All you need to do is ask our former students. Your learning is also not over after graduation. We offer lifelong learning to make sure that you stay on top of current trends in your field.