Huimin Wang

Huimin Wang

Master of Science in Business Analytics 2024

Hometown: Shenzhen, China

​Email me with questions about the MS in Business Analytics

Why did you choose Daniels?

I chose Daniels because of the alumni network and the course material. Here, I can gain some real-world experience and knowledge that can help me on the path as an analyst.

Previous Education

BA in economics from Eastern Connecticut University

Pre-grad school experience

I interned at a venture capital firm in China in 2021 with a team of analysts focusing on electric vehicle production chains. We analyzed data from different electric car manufacturers to compare prices, quality and sales. Our research helped the general manager to make investment decisions. This internship sparked my interest in being an analyst and studying business analytics.

Post-grad school goal

My goal after DU is to work as an analyst assistant or entry-level analyst in an investment bank. Eventually, I want to become a financial advisor or manager.


I like cooking and baking desserts in my free time. I also play percussion instruments like xylophone in concert band.