Outright Gifts

A gift of cash is one of the simplest donations, and it maximizes your charitable deduction while providing immediate benefits to Daniels. Gifts of cash include currency, personal checks, money orders, credit cards and wire transfers.

Gifts of Appreciated Property
As an alternative to donating cash, you can increase your tax savings by transferring appreciated property such as securities or real estate directly to Daniels. If you’ve owned the property for more than a year, you are allowed to claim a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of your gift without paying capital-gains tax.

Real Estate
A gift of real estate can be donated as a current gift or a gift through your estate. Real estate gifts are ideal for funding a major gift such as an endowed scholarship or capital renovation. A residence, rental property, vacation home, or commercial or agricultural property may be contributed outright to DU or through various charitable trust arrangements.

Artwork and Other Personal Property
You may receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction for items of property such as art, book collections, computer equipment, maps or artifacts. Your charitable deduction equals the full value of your gift as long as it is used to further teaching and learning at DU.

Sale or Transfer of a Family Business
The sale of a business may provide an excellent opportunity to make a tax-efficient gift that leverages the company’s accumulated value. You may wish to consider a gift of stock in a family business to the University when selling your business or transferring it to family members.

Gifts Through Your IRA
Those 70 ½ years old and older are able to give up to a maximum of $100,000 per year from their IRA directly to a qualified charity such as the Daniels College of Business without having to pay income taxes on the money. For more information see DU’s IRA tool.

Blended Gifts
A blended gift refers to a gift that includes a current gift combined with any of the deferred giving options listed below. Blended gifts are attractive to donors and families who wish to make a significant impact on future students through their estate plans while providing immediate support today.

As these gifts can be complex and require special consideration, please contact Aimee Mandolini at aimee.​mandolini@​du.​edu or 303.871.7668.

Deferred Gifts

Charitable Bequest Intentions
Bequests via your will or revocable living trust can allow you to leave a significant legacy to benefit your favorite academic program or provide scholarship support to students. Bequests also allow you to retain control of your assets during your lifetime. A bequest can be tailored to almost any set of circumstances, and it provides an unlimited deduction for estate tax purposes. Bequests should be directed to: “the University of Denver/Daniels College of Business.”

Retirement Accounts
By designating DU as the beneficiary of all or a percentage of your IRA or any other qualified retirement account, you can make a substantial gift while avoiding estate and income taxes that may consume as much as two-thirds of the account balance.

Income-Producing Gifts
An income-producing gift enables you to generate a current income tax deduction while providing yourself or a loved one with a secure source of income for life or a period of years. When funded with appreciated assets, it can also help you increase your income while avoiding capital-gains taxes.

Life Insurance
A gift of a life insurance policy, or simply naming DU as beneficiary, allows you to make a major gift for a modest cost. Many donors use insurance gifts to receive a current tax deduction while disposing of an old policy that is no longer needed. Other donors purchase a new policy, donate it to DU, and make annual gifts to cover premiums.

Charitable Lead Trust
A lead trust enables you to transfer wealth to family while reducing or eliminating estate and gift taxes. Trust assets are removed from the taxable estate and growth in value passes tax-free to heirs. You postpone the transfer until heirs are more mature. Payment of trust income to DU for a term of years creates a charitable legacy with funds that are otherwise destined for the IRS.

Have additional questions? See more resources from DU’s Office of Gift Planning.