Stephen Adelé

Adjunct Faculty
Department of Management

Stephen Adelé
Stephen Adelé is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Denver Daniels College of Business, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on scaling new ventures and business strategy.
Mr. Adelé is a serial entrepreneur who has built several successful companies through self-funding, pubic markets and private equity. A three-time finalist recipient of EY’s prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year Award; the recipient of three consecutive Inc 500 Awards for America’s fastest growing private companies; Best Boss in America finalist, and a favorite guest lecturer to entrepreneurial business students; over the past 25 years, Mr. Adelé has built, scaled and sold four different companies, including his latest venture, QuickBox fulfillment, which, as the CEO, he led through growth from $0 to over $100 million in less than four years.
Mr. Adelé provides strategic advisory consulting services to small and mid-sized companies in the consumer goods space—using his expertise, network and proven framework for navigating the complexities of scaling a business and/or preparing companies for a successful sale. His passions are scaling companies, teaching the next generation of leaders and spending time with family.

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