Philip Beaver, PhD

Biography at a Glance
Philip Beaver, PhD, has been at Daniels since 2010. He served on the Army and Joint staffs at the Pentagon as a senior analyst, was an associate professor of applied mathematics at the U.S. Military Academy and served in the Army from 1983 to 2008. He is currently the chief data scientist of OGX Consulting, the chief data scientist of DocBuddy, Inc., and the data science advisor to LDGR Capital Management, LLC, in addition to being the former chief analytic officer of Claremont Information Systems, LLC, the chief analytic officer of Cypress Partners, LLC, and the chief data scientist of R.Index. He serves on the boards of 5 organizations.
- PhD, Applied Mathematics, Naval Postgraduate School
- MS, National Resourcing Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces
- MS, Applied Mathematics, Naval Postgraduate School
- BS, Civil Engineering, United States Military Academy
Research & Publications
- Urbaczewski, A., and Beaver, P. “Learning and Education: A Paradigm Shift in the Age of Internet and Search Engines,” Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (17:3), December 2015, pp. 124-129
- Lucente, J., A. Andrews, and P. Beaver, “Towards Better Help Desk Planning: Predicting Incidents and Required Effort,” Journal of Systems and Software, 117, July 2016, 426-449.