Michael Nalick, PhD

Daniels 475
Assistant Professor
Department of Management

Michael Nalick

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Biography at a Glance

Michael Nalick is an assistant professor of management, joining the Department of Management at Daniels from the University of Memphis, where he taught strategic management and oversaw PhD students. His research interests are in corporate misconduct, the intersection of politics and business, and CEO activism. He has published in a number of journals in the management field and has presented his research at the top conferences in his area of study.

Prior to his academic career, Nalick worked as the policy director of the Precinct Three Commissioner’s Office in Travis County, Texas. He was also the assistant director of the Jewish Community Center of America.

Nalick received his PhD from Texas A&M University in strategic management, his master’s in public policy from the University of Southern California and his bachelor’s from the University of Texas, Austin.


Work in Progress

  • Nalick, M., Kuban, S., Josefy, M., Leonel, R. & Chin, MK. Chasing Controversy: Motivations Behind Firm Involvement in Socially Contentious Issues. Resubmission requested at Organization Science.
  • Nalick, M., Kuban, S., Gangloff, A., Ridge, J., & Hill, A. One of These Things is Not Like the Other: Why Firm Corrective Actions and Shareholder Reactions Differ by Misconduct Context. Under review Strategic Management Journal.
  • Kuban, S., Nalick, M., Nehls, K., & Hill, A. Experience Matters: How Former Politicians on the Board Influence Political Strategy. Target Journal: Strategic Management Journal. Manuscript in Preparation.
  • Nalick, M., Meril, J., Kuban, S., Burak, M., Lacek, D. Ideology and the Extremes. Target Journal: Academy of Management Discoveries. Manuscript in Preparation.
  • Leonel, R., Nalick, M., & Fabian, F. Fanning the Flames: CEO Narcissism and Socially Contentious Issues. Target Journal: Strategic Management Journal. Manuscript in Preparation.
  • Withers, M., Nalick, M., & Schnackenberg, A. The Salience of Media Driven Moral Panic on Firm Wrongdoing. Target Journal: Organization Science. Manuscript in Preparation.