Amanda Fox
Why Daniels?
I chose Daniels because of the encouraging and dedicated community. Daniels is a well-rounded university with diverse staff, faculty and students who actively share their experiences and points of view. I love how the program has not only enhanced my business skills but it also has introduced me to innovative ways of approaching business and the world around me.
Pre-Daniels Career Experience
Two years in experiential marketing, two years in interior design and currently in my third year with my startup company, Remodo.
Most Recent Employer & Job Title
Founder of Remodo, a retail company that sells contemporary rooms-in-a-box to bring affordable design to every home.
Undergraduate Institution & Degree
Communications from the University of Texas at Austin
Houston, Texas
Skiing, hiking, traveling and art.
Bucket List Item
Fun Fact
I attended three high schools.
Post Grad School Goal
Continue down the entrepreneurial track and mentor young girls.