The Denver MBA

Professional Development

Every MBA Gets A Personal Coach

There are two distinct differences that characterize The Denver MBA in the area of career development.

First, we built personalized career preparation into our challenge-driven education model. We not only help you write your resume and prepare for interviews, but we also coach you for 20 months to develop the resume necessary to make you the best possible candidate.

Second, in The Denver MBA, we fully integrate career, academic and professional development advising. We help you land the right position by making sure you have the right preparation and the right stories to tell. Then we help you become comfortable telling those stories through interview coaching, resume preparation, and practicing your social and networking skills.

Career development is at the heart of how The Denver MBA’s challenge-driven education ethos gives you the ability to stand out when seeking employment.

Advising and Coaching

In The Denver MBA, we use 360 reviews and related coaching to help you fine-tune your abilities and hone your résumé.

Because we integrate career services and professional/academic development, the 360 produces a plan for your development that directly impacts your career. We do this throughout the program so you become progressively more skilled. We not only provide you with the reviews, we provide you with a detailed agenda for growth, an arena to carry out that agenda (the challenges) and personal coaching to support your development during this process.

  • As you progress, the focus shifts to different competencies, as the various moments of insight blend together to reveal increasingly complex and powerful development. You graduate from the program transformed, more mature and ready to lead.
  • Your personal development doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Instead, your career aspirations serve as a guide. What is most relevant to your needs, your field of study and what your future employers and partners need—are key.


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