Networking Near and Far

Networking can be a nerve-wracking process and networking your way into a job in a different city or state can be an entirely different challenge. Here are some tips for networking locally, along with some ideas for making connections in other locations.

  1. Research and Set Goals

  2. LinkedIn

    • Join alumni groups
      • Send direct messages to alumni in these groups who work in the city to which you are relocating
      • Use the “Find Alumni” tool (under “Connections”)
      • Go to company pages and find alumni from DU or simply people from Denver who work there– connect or join one of their groups to directly message them!
      • Change the location on your profile to the city in which you’d like to work
  3. Informational Interviews

    • What is an informational interview?
    • Two purposes:
      • The main purpose of these conversations is to gather information
        • Ask questions about that person’s job, company, and career path
    • The other purpose of an informational interview is to build relationships
      • Stay in touch (email that person every couple of months—or more often if you are actively seeking work)
      • Develop a mentor relationship
      • Be referred to others in the industry—ask them who else you should talk to!
    • ALWAYS send a thank you note/email
    • Find potential informational interviewees in the Pioneer Career Network and through LinkedIn
  4. Utilize “Warm Network” Connections

    • Brainstorm your “warm network” of connections, and branch off from there:
      • Family
      • Friends
      • Church
      • Athletic teammates and coaches
      • Teachers and professors
      • Clubs/charities/community service groups
    • Let everyone know where you’re looking to move, when, and what type of job you’re interested in.
  5. Utilize the Pioneer Career Network and Alumni Chapters

    • Visit to find that city’s local alumni chapter
      • Reach out to the leader of local chapter to see if any events are coming up
    • Search through the Pioneer Career Network for alumni in the area
      • Pioneer Careers > “Pioneer Career Network” tab
      • Search by major, company, industry, city, etc.
      • Send an email, or click “Interested” and send a message
      • Conduct an informational interview!
        • This can be done by phone or Skype, or in person if you’re visiting the city
  6. Utilize Contacts from Career Fairs and Employer Info Sessions

    • Always follow up with employers after career fairs and information sessions– even if they are not hiring in the city to which you are moving
      • In your follow up email, ask if they happen to have contacts in their industry in your chosen city
      • Connect on LinkedIn with employers you meet– sometimes you might find someone within their list of connections that works at a company based in your chosen city!
  7. Join Professional Associations

    • Utilize these for making connections with important people in your industry
    • Volunteer to serve as a board member and/or get involved in event planning!
    • Visit edu/career > Field/Industry Resources (or Undergrad Majors and Careers)
      • Professional associations are listed along the right side of the page
    • Visit com to find more associations related to your field
  8. Plan a Visit to your Desired City

    • Set up a few informational interviews/coffee meetings
    • Take the opportunity to tour some residential areas and apartment buildings to get a feel for each part of the city
    • Attend an event related to your industry (through a professional association or an alumni chapter)
    • Contact local university/college career centers to see if they are willing and able to provide any assistance