Ten Daniels employees joined forces in two teams to run the Colfax Marathon Sunday, May 15. Each team consisted of five runners who ran a part of the marathon, with each leg ranging between 3.7 and 6.4 miles.

In the spirit of cooperation, the two teams were not competing against one another but set a target time that combined the teams’ times.

The two teams were:

“I Thought You Said Rum” (John Thunen, Carly Neylan, Brent Thompson, Lindsay Adam, and Andrew Urbaczewski)

“Not Fast But Furious” (Paul Olk, Roberta Nicknish, Pat Perrella, Lisa Victoravich, and Kenny Metcalfe)

The teams came in well under their target of 529 minutes to run the combined 52+ miles in 491:43 minutes. Was the improved time due to the pride of representing the faculty and staff of the Daniels College?  The cool weather that morning? The race’s promise of a beer afterwards (even if it was a Michelob Ultra)?  We’re not sure but the two teams ended up about 1 minute apart in total time and each ranked in the top 40 percent of the 1,231 relay teams that ran on Sunday.










Congratulations runners!!